Connecting People With Sea Turtles

Sea turtles around the world are threatened with extinction. SEE Turtles supports turtles and communities by inspiring people to get active in conservation efforts. We help coastal communities save hatchlings on nesting beaches, clean up plastic waste, reduce the illegal turtle trade, and educate people about these incredible animals.

Join our effort by donating or joining a conservation trip!


SEE Turtles Conservation Tours

Work with researchers to study and help protect sea turtles! Profits support our conservation work - our trips have generated over $1 million for conservation and coastal communities.



Billion Baby Turtles supports 50+ important turtle nesting beaches in 25 countries. Every $1 saves at least 10 baby turtles.


Our Sea Turtles & Plastic program works to get plastic out of sea turtle habitats. We fund local recycling programs that benefit coastal communities and beach cleanup programs. We also run the Travelers Against Plastic campaign.


Ending the Illegal Tortoiseshell Trade

Too Rare To Wear works to end demand for turtleshell by providing tools and support for local organizations working on the trade and working with the tourism industry to educate travelers.


Sea Turtle Week

An annual celebration of these amazing animals! This week takes place every June, from June 8th (World Oceans Day) to June 16th (World Sea Turtle Day) with each day focusing on a different species and threat. Our #SeaTurtleWeek website has tons of info, graphics, videos, & more to share. You can also participate in contests and join a beach cleanup or event near you.


Additional SEE Turtles Programs


Call us at (800) 215-0378        

(9-5, M-F Pacific time)
