Contact Us

Phone: (800) 215-0378 (Mon - Fri, 9 am - 5 pm Pacific time)

Our address: (this is a home office, we do not have in-person office visits)

SEE Turtles, 5605 SE Rural St, Portland OR 97206

*Before you contact us, please read this:

  • We’re not able to respond by mail to inquiries or students due to the staff time required. If you would like a reply to a student letter, please include an email address.

  • Interesting in sponsoring our work? Contact us here.

  • We do not give away stickers or other free items. You can find those in our online store for purchase.

  • We do not accept guest posts for our blog that are not directly related to sea turtles and we don’t do link trades.

  • We do not have any job or internship opportunities. If you are looking to volunteer long-term with a sea turtle project, please click here.

  • If you have found a hatchling on a beach, our advice is to put it in the ocean as soon as possible. Do not try to feed or raise it.

  • We do not take in pet turtles or any other kind of turtle for care. Please contact your nearest Zoo or Nature Center or government wildlife agency (if it is a wild turtle).

  • Please do not contact us to promote SEO or other services or ask us about care for pet turtles.

Banner Image: Elizabeth Moreno/RED Sustainable Travel