Contact Us
Phone: (800) 215-0378 (Mon - Fri, 9 am - 5 pm Pacific time)
Our address: (this is a home office, we do not have in-person office visits)
SEE Turtles, 5605 SE Rural St, Portland OR 97206
*Before you contact us, please read this:
We’re not able to respond by mail to inquiries or students due to the staff time required. If you would like a reply to a student letter, please include an email address.
Interesting in sponsoring our work? Contact us here.
We do not give away stickers or other free items. You can find those in our online store for purchase.
We do not accept guest posts for our blog that are not directly related to sea turtles and we don’t do link trades.
We do not have any job or internship opportunities. If you are looking to volunteer long-term with a sea turtle project, please click here.
If you have found a hatchling on a beach, our advice is to put it in the ocean as soon as possible. Do not try to feed or raise it.
We do not take in pet turtles or any other kind of turtle for care. Please contact your nearest Zoo or Nature Center or government wildlife agency (if it is a wild turtle).
Please do not contact us to promote SEO or other services or ask us about care for pet turtles.
Banner Image: Elizabeth Moreno/RED Sustainable Travel