Make Waves for Sea Turtle Conservation

Your support ensures every egg has a chance to restore global sea turtle populations.

The Power of Your Generosity

  • Every dollar counts. A gift of just $10 can save a minimum of 100 endangered hatchlings.

  • Employ and equip locals to patrol turtle nesting beaches, safeguard eggs, and guide hatchlings safely to the ocean.

  • Fund beach cleaning initiatives to shield sea turtles from the pervasive threat of plastic pollution, preserving their delicate habitats and food sources.

Learn about other ways to support sea turtle conservation including crypto donations, bequests, stocks, and Donor Advised Funds.

From Nest to Beach to Ocean

Each year, thousands of sea turtles confront deadly hazards such as entanglement in fishing gear and ingesting plastic debris, if their vulnerable eggs are given the chance to hatch to begin with.

Join SEE Turtles in the fight against sea turtle extinction, from nest to beach to ocean.

Together, we’ve saved 10 million hatchlings on 60 beaches globally, removed hundreds of thousands of pounds of plastic, and halted the trade of turtle shells.

Your generosity fuels our mission to protect these incredible creatures and the communities dedicated to their preservation.

Protecting sea turtles safeguards biodiversity, marine ecosystems, and coastal communities worldwide—

you can make a difference.

Give Hope to Sea Turtle Populations Every Month

Your monthly donation fuels vital programs, from combating plastic pollution to supporting nesting beaches. Plus, enjoy exclusive perks and updates on how your contribution makes a difference.

Together, we're saving turtles and empowering communities. Join now to protect our oceans' treasures and unlock your membership benefits!

Deep Dive: Explore the Work of SEE Turtles

Hear from Our Supporters

I can say without hesitation that SEE Turtles is making an impact where it matters most, protecting vulnerable nesting sites, as well as their other related programs. While I cannot solve global warming, which is overwhelming, saving these ancient animals is possible. Nobody does it better than this organization.


In my opinion, SEE Turtles has the very best educational outreach program that I have seen. SEE Turtles is taking a creative approach by combining education and ecotourism to save sea turtles throughout the world. I am a long-time supporter of this organization and I am confident that my money is being used for a great cause.


Your Gift Impacts Sea Turtle Conservation!


Saves an entire nest of baby sea turtles


Removes 200lbs of plastic from a beach


Saves 1,000 baby sea turtles


Funds an entire employment season of a local sea turtle guardian