Student Fundraising

Host A Fundraiser to Save Sea Turtles!

Students & groups who want to make a concrete contribution to wildlife conservation project have great opportunities to protect endangered sea turtles through our Billion Baby Turtles program. The turtle organizations we work with to protect nesting beaches are small and can do great things with small amounts of money.

Classes who fundraise for sea turtles:

  • Get fun prizes for the classroom and students based on the amount of funds raised

  • Get a free online educational presentation for the class

  • Know their impact because every $1 raised saves as least 10 baby turtles!

Get in touch on the form on the right to to set up a fundraiser for your class or request registration information on our School Fundraising Contest which happens every October.

Read about students saving turtles on our blog:

Submit Your Donations

SEE Turtles School Programs

Photo credit: Neil Ever Osborne, Hal Brindley