SEE Turtles Launches Crypto Campaign to Save Sea Turtles and Clean Up Oceans

Goal: $350,000 by End of 2025

SEE Turtles, a renowned global sea turtle conservation organization, has launched a groundbreaking crypto fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $350,000 by the end of 2025. The funds will support vital conservation projects around the world, from saving baby turtles on nesting beaches to cleaning up plastic waste from coastal communities.

To date, SEE Turtles has raised just over $175,000 in crypto donations helping to save endangered species and restore vital ocean habitats. This support has resulted in:

●  Saving 600,000 baby turtles across 15 nesting beaches.

●  Supporting 7 coastal communities in recycling efforts, collecting over 80,000 lbs of plastic and recycling 15,000 lbs.

●  Launching the award-winning SEE Shell app, using AI to identify illegal turtle shell products.

●  Reaching 8 million people through Sea Turtle Week to raise awareness about sea turtle conservation.

But SEE Turtles’ work is just beginning.

"Our ability to accept cryptocurrency has allowed SEE Turtles to dramatically expand our mission and help more sea turtles and coastal communities around the world," Brad Nahill, President of SEE Turtles. "The funds raised through this campaign will go directly towards protecting nesting beaches, supporting sustainable livelihoods, and combating illegal poaching."

Campaign Goals
The campaign’s goal to reach a total of $350,000 in crypto donations will help meet the following targets:

  • Billion Baby Turtles: $150,000 to save 1.5 million baby turtles across 30 nesting beaches.

  • Sea Turtles & Plastic: $100,000 to clean up 100,000 lbs of plastic and expand recycling programs to 15 coastal communities.

  • Too Rare To Wear: $50,000 to launch public awareness campaigns in Colombia, Panama, and Indonesia to combat the trade in turtleshells.

  • Emerging Leaders Initiative: $25,000 to support ten emerging conservation leaders from coastal communities investing in local workforce development.

  • Sea Turtle Week: $25,000 to support an outreach campaign that will reach millions of people with messages about how to help sea turtles worldwide.

Global Impact
SEE Turtles' network of partners spans the globe, including organizations working in coastal communities in countries like Curacao, Colombia, Mexico, Malaysia, Costa Rica, and more. These critical projects are making an impact in regions with vulnerable turtle populations, supporting local conservation efforts, and building a cleaner, healthier environment for both marine life and coastal communities.

Crypto Donors: Make Waves with Your Impact
SEE Turtles is encouraging the growing crypto community to join the mission and donate to the campaign. Donating cryptocurrency is a fast, secure way to contribute directly to saving sea turtles and protecting oceans. Crypto donors can give in popular stable coins, including Turtle Finance, DeFi Turtle, and others. Learn more about these innovative partnerships and projects on SEE Turtles' donation page.

Join us in this ambitious and urgent campaign. Every crypto donation counts in the race to save our oceans and these ancient, majestic creatures from the brink of extinction.

Donate today and make your crypto count! Visit:

Photo: Juan Ma Contortrix

About SEE Turtles
SEE Turtles is a leading global organization dedicated to sea turtle conservation and ecotourism. Founded in 2008, SEE Turtles has saved more than 10 million turtle hatchlings and supported critical community-driven conservation programs worldwide. The organization's mission is to provide funding, resources, and tools to protect endangered sea turtle species in the Global South. Our work has earned awards from Travel + Leisure Magazine, the World Travel & Tourism Council, and others.

For more information, media inquiries, or partnership opportunities, contact: | +1 (800) 215-0378

Follow SEE Turtles on Social Media
Twitter: @seeturtles
Instagram: @see_turtles
Facebook: SEE Turtles

#CryptoForConservation #SaveSeaTurtles #CryptoGiving


August Billion Baby Turtles Update